
Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Desolation of Smaug!! Movie Review

Me and my husband went to see the Hobbit, movie two 'The Desolation of Smaug,' I think the day after it came out into theaters and we were not disappointed!

Over all I really enjoyed this movie and when I watched it, it filled me with a fire to write and I wanted to run home to my laptop and get started! That's always a bonus when a movie inspires you.
I did read the Hobbit, but it was back in high school, I don't remember it all that well so I can't judge how well they kept to the original story. I know Orlando Bloom shouldn't be hanging around, and I have high suspicions about the female elf as well as a character, but over all I didn't mind their appearance. I'm not a die hard fan where I get really ticked if they don't stick to the book exactly, I understand directors want to make the story their own and take a small artistic license with that.
It's the same with Harry Potter 7 part 2 when Harry and Voldemort are flying around the school in black smoke after Harry grabs him and pulls him off the ledge. Didn't happen in the book but don't mind it happening in the movie. Or Twilight four part two when they had the massive battle that didn't happen in the book but they didn't want that huge anticlimax of building up to this battle throughout the whole movie and then it just leading to a verbal confrontation (something that the book did and was awful, did not like the Twilight book four...did not like how it was handled at all as a story.), so they put in an epic battle at the end to satisfy the audience.
I think that is what the Hobbit is trying to do here, though I'm not a huge fan of having Legolas in the story when he wasn't there in reality I don't mind, it makes me think less of Orlando Bloom though. Makes me think he's just money grubbing about til the next Pirates of the Caribbean comes out. I did hear that they tried to see if the actor for Aragorn played by Viggo Mortensen would join in and be in the movie as well but he refused saying that 'Aragorn wasn't involved in that and I'm not either.'
I think though if I had one complaint about the movie that I would definitely go back and change I think it would be Legolas's eyes...why are they blue? I know that's how they were described in the book, but they weren't blue in the LOTR, and if they were blue it was a lot darker than this new version. Don't know why but it bugs me that his eyes are blazing blue when they weren't in the other movies.'s like night and day over here. If you look closely at the top picture you can kind of see a 'lightness' in his eyes that might suggest they are blue...but nothing like this crazy white fire we've got going on in this picture to the right.

So yeah...the eyes bugged me, everything else? Loved, loved the Tree Elf's place, it was awesome. The Elf king was a good amount of creepy and majestic, LOVED his crown. I want one of my own...seriously.
The Dwarves as always were great and Gandalf is lovable. I would suggest seeing this movie asap if you enjoyed the LOTR movies, or the previous Hobbit movie. I don't want to put in any spoilers so I'm keeping all this as vague as I can, hope I don't ruin the movie for anyone. Oh and lastly Smaug....amazing.... amazing voice, graphics...just...awesome. My husband liked him so much he wants the story to change and Smaug to win and keep all the gold lol, but I don't think they'll deviate that much from the original book.
Hope you all are having a pleasant and safe Holiday season!


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